WARCI will be having its final swap meet for 2018 on November 4th. This meet will be indoors. Doors will open at 8:00 AM for vendor setup. The flea market starts at 8:00 AM, announcements are held at 10:30 AM followed by the donation auction and free pizza (usually around 11:00). The annual election of officers will occur after the donation auction. A board meeting will follow and all WARCI members are welcome to attend. Each meet will vary slightly, so check out the monthly flyer for more information!
As typical of most swap meets, the items are for sale by individual collectors, and most are one-of-a-kind. So for best selection (and the best deals), BE EARLY! But please stay around and get to meet some of the club members. These swap meets are a great way to connect with other local collectors that share your interests. By socializing at the meets you can find others that may have what you are looking for, radios & parts, people that can service your radios, and you can make some good friends.
Swap meet spaces are $7 for WARCI members, and $10 for non-members. Tables will be provided for indoor use only and are first-come, first-serve. It is recommended that you bring your own table if you are a late arrival.
The Terminal, 5917 S Howell Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53207